Friday, June 10, 2011

Why Me

I met with Mike and Bruce, who is the plumber who will be hooking up our new water service and sewer service to the house, the other day. Mike was hopeful that we would not have to dredge up the street and tap into the water line. He was looking at boring underneath. Well, it looks like we will have to cut up the street and access the water line on the opposite side of the road. Of course, it is in our neighbor Sal's yard. Sal is a semi retired painter that now works for the School District at the High School as part of the grounds crew. Sal loves his yard. He is the one neighbor on the block that has that impeccable yard. The one that makes the block envious. Anyway, it is the one yard that I wish we did not have to cut into. I nervously had a conversation with him the other day and he could not have be more accommodating. He basically said to ask them to minimize the damage and we will have to replace the damaged lawn. He told me to do whatever is necessary. What a relief. At least we have the sewer on our side of the road, so that will not be an issue.

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