The week was short due to the holiday but the exterior walls to the second floor were completed. After a morning meeting with Mike the GC, Ferd the architecht, and Joe the carpenter, we managed to tweek the plans and move a wall to gain a little more space in the bathroom. We had to make some changes to the stairs up to the master suite due to the new steel support beam. The original plans had walls that lined up wiht the beam, so that is what Joe did until he recognized that the dimensions of the room had changed with the beam since it is in a different location. So, with a nip and a tuck here, we got it all sorted out. They have continued prepping the floor for the concrete pour and the electrician came and setup the new electrical service meter and panel. We are really getting excited.
Here is a shot of the side that is now connected to the old house making it one structure.
Here the concrete company, J2 is prepping the floor for the concrete pour. There is the crushed gravel that is covered with a 6mil plastic and then the rigid foam board that is also on the foundation walls. This will give us a R-10 insulation factor under the concrete floor. There isn't any foam board in the bathroom area due to the pipes. There will be a fabric that will be added that will give some insulation and protection as well.
Here is the new 220 fuse box with a whole house sure suppressor. We were able to get power on Saturday but then it went out with the storm.
And now the storm damage. I talked to Joe the day after and he said he was afraid that the house was coming down due to the winds which some were clocked at 60-70mph. He made a dash for his truck getting soaked int he process. Luckily no one was hurt with wood and debris flying around. Wood was soaked and we had water on the foam boards. It was a weird storm in that the winds picked up immediately and then the rain started falling and was almost horizontal. You could not get a clear view out the window it was coming so hard. Kathleen and I saw at least two or three of the large branches fall immediately and then we made a dash for the basement waking up Anne and Abby. This is the aftermath:
When we were done cutting and piling all the branches, it took up the whole front portion of the yard by the road. The village came by later Monday to get ours first since there was so much. We also are lucky that our neighbors across the road had power and they let us plug in for the few days we were without power. At least we had window fans at night. Monday night was very hot and humid and Tuesday and Wednesday it cooled off thank goodness. It was quite a week and we hope for smooth sailing from now on.
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